
Common Misconceptions About Studying Criminology

When you hear the term “criminology”, what are the first things that come to mind? Perhaps it may be serial killers, CSI, detective work, and so on. While these are not necessarily untrue, it also does not exactly encompass what criminology essentially is. It is an exciting course with thrilling career perspectives, however,...
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什么是设计? 设计是通过个人的创造力、技能和知识以特定方式构建物理或虚拟元素的过程。 设计无处不在,有时是人类决策的主要因素,例如你选择购买的鞋子、房子、衣服、室内装饰或电脑。 很多时候,人们倾向于根据事物的外观而不是其功能或效率来做出决定。 这使得设计成为增强购买欲或浏览网站时体验的重要因素。   设计有哪些不同的专业? 设计是一个极其庞大的专业。 以下是当今设计行业最受追捧和流行的设计专业。 ...
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Why Should You Get A Postgraduate Degree in Malaysia?

What’s A Postgraduate Degree? As the name suggests, a postgraduate degree is the qualification you’d find yourself completing after an undergraduate degree. Though, what is it, really? Unbeknownst to most, postgraduate degrees are actually made of several qualifications, namely master degrees, Postgraduate Diplomas and Certificates, and PhDs.  Yes, there are multiple kinds of...
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The Destination Australia Program is Back in 2022

What Is It? The Destination Australia Program is a program that provides funds to eligible tertiary education providers to allow for domestic and international students to study and live in regional Australia. Known to be one of the best scholarships for international students, The Destination Australia Program provides recipients with AU$15,000 per year...
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TESL vs TESOL: 应该选哪一个呢?

英语一直以来是你的强项吗? 你是否一直享受着教育的简单快乐? 我相信这篇文章已经到达了目标群众,也就是你。 当然,您一生中或多或少应该也听说过一两次 TESL (英语作为第二语言教学)/ TESOL(对母语为非英语人士的英文教学),尤其是在与教育相关的话题中。 您知道它到底是什么,它与英语教育有关,但是其中有很多种证书,哪一种才适合你呢? TESL,TEFL 和 TESOL: 差别是什么呢? 如果...
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Best College Majors For The Future

Choosing your major can be a tricky thing. Sometimes it can be hard to decide on what you want to pursue for your future career when there is an overwhelming choice of fields. Ensuring that you choose the right college major to land you a high-paying job that will stand to last in...
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Study at The University of Western Australia

Just ten minutes away from Perth city, the University of Western Australia is located on the banks of the Swan River, or also known as Derbal Yerrigan, on the land of the Whadjuk Nation. Here, the occupants of UWA are gifted with the privilege of sitting on sacred soil where Western Australian kaartdijin,...
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近年来,随着我们的世界不断地数字化,信息技术(IT)变得越来越重要,因为它在维护不同行业之间的通信和数据处理方面发挥着至关重要的作用。 IT 专家往往是企业的生命线——如果企业的数据库没有得到妥善维护,可能就足以让一个企业倒闭。 扮演如此重要的角色意味着您将需要强硬的教育背景。 以下将是您在马来西亚学习信息技术需要了解的所有信息。 什么是信息技术(IT)? 我们听到“IT”这个词在学校或办公室里常...
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Top Universities to Study Pharmacy in Malaysia 2022

Are you the kind of person that wants to take care of others when they are unwell? Do you have an interest to learn how medicine works to cure illnesses? Perhaps, you might simply have an innate talent for grasping the relationship between chemistry and biology. If so, pharmaceutical studies just might be...
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Psychiatrist vs. Psychologist: What’s the Difference?

Psychiatrist or psychologist? Is there any difference between the two? How are they different? It is common to hear these two terms be used interchangeably, but in truth, the two are not the same. In this article, you will be looking at what a psychiatrist is, what a psychologist does, and which top...
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儿童生命的前五年是大脑发育最关键的时期。 孩子进步的这些最初阶段对他们的整个人生都有重大影响。 这就是为什么幼儿教育工作者在培养小孩的大脑方面发挥关键作用的原因。 通过向他们展示学习的乐趣,并协助他们奠定终生成功所需的基础,幼儿教育工作者是儿童学习之旅必须经历的一个阶段。 如果您喜欢在工作中接触小孩,并且有爱心和奉献精神为他们准备未来所需的基本生活技能,那么幼儿教育工作可能就是最适合你的途径! 什...
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Top University Majors for Science Lovers in Australia

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, Science can be described as knowledge or a system of knowledge concerned with the physical world and its phenomena. As the result of technological advancement, the demand for scientists in several industries has grown rapidly in the past years. Science itself is a broad area of study that...
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Universities to Study Mass Communication in Malaysia

What is Mass Communication? Mass Communication, or Mass Comm, as many people are more used to calling it, is the process of distributing and exchanging information among a large number of people using mass media. Since technology has improved the efficiency of information delivery, it enables the use of a variety of mediums...
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在等待 SPM/IGCSE 成绩期间可以做的事

在SPM/IGCSE成绩出来之前,毕业生们有很多的时间可以消磨因为要等待成绩出来之后才能申请进入本地大学或者学院。 在知道被大学录取之前的你们应该会更加焦虑。 在等待成绩出来之时,其实有非常多东西可以让你们忙碌起来的。以下是一些你们可以做的事: 1. 申请兼职 无论您的学习成绩如何,寻找兼职工作都是让自己忙碌并同时赚取收入的好方法。 首先列出你感兴趣的职业清单。 兼职工作有非常多的选择,从在咖啡馆...
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The Future of Programming in Malaysia 2022

A computer program is essentially the command of codes written into a computer that allows it to perform specific tasks. These codes have been written by computer programmers. Therefore, everything that a computer is able to do, from searching the lyrics to your favorite song to playing a movie on Netflix, has been...
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