computer science degree

Differentiating Computer Science & Data Science: What are the Differences?

What is Computer Science & Data Science? What is Computer Science? If you think about it, technology has greatly diffused itself into society. You see it everywhere, from applications to softwares, smartphones, and even computers! For this reason, you’ll recognise Computer Science to be quite a valued field.   Computer Science can be loosely…
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计算机科学与信息技术的区别是什么? 你应该选择哪一个?

如今我们正在迈向工业革命4.0(也称工业4.0)的时代,这是一个可以迅速改变我们交流、工作以及互动方式的一个阶段,换句话说工业4.0对我们生活所产生的影响十分巨大。根据福布斯(Forbes)表示,工业4.0是工业3.0的强化版,更加注重云分析、大数据、机器学习和物联网等智能以及自主系统。 身为一名学生,我们面对工业4.0的第一步可以是通过学习一些密切相关的领域,而其中比较热门的选择则是电脑科学以及…
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Top Universities to Study Computer Science in Australia

Let’s start by asking yourself some questions:  Do I love maths? Would I enjoy learning programs to communicate with computers? Am I creative and love solving challenging problems? Can I think logically and persistently?  If your answers are yes to all the questions above, taking up a Computer Science course would be ideal…
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Top Courses to Study in Australia Based on Job Demand in 2021

Although the pandemic has created unexpected high unemployment rates globally, there was a strong surge in the employment rate right after multiple lockdowns were eased in Australia. Even though most companies have frozen their hiring process, there are still sectors that are actively hiring due to the need for more human resources. Some…
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Does Your Degree Determine Your Career Path for the Rest of Your Life?

Amp up on Your Soft Skills, and It Doesn’t Have To! It is impossible to predict what the job market will be like by the time you graduate, which makes choosing a university degree only that much harder. As you’re trying to figure out the best undergraduate degree that will “futureproof” you, it…
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