
什么是室内设计? 室内设计是研究如何创造实用和美观的室内空间。它涉及设计和组织室内空间,选择和安排家具和装饰,以及选择颜色、纹理和照明,以创造一个满足客户需求和喜好的氛围。 室内设计涵盖各种主题,包括空间规划、家具设计、色彩理论、照明设计和材料选择。它还涉及到了解设计风格的历史,以及如何将其融入到当代室内装修中。 室内设计师需要具备各个领域的知识,包括建筑、工程和施工,以及心理学和人类行为学,以创…
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Study Interior Design in Malaysia 2023

What is Interior Design? Interior design is the study of creating functional and aesthetically pleasing interior spaces. It involves designing and organising interior spaces, selecting and arranging furniture and decor, and choosing colours, textures, and lighting to create an atmosphere that meets the needs and preferences of the client. Interior design covers various…
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