private universities in Malaysia


什么是精算师? 对于喜欢处理数字和研究数据行为的人来说,精算师可以是一个非常理想的职业。随着人们对这一专业的兴趣越来越大,职业机会也越来越多,有志于此的大学生报名深造,已经成为一种蓬勃发展的趋势。因此,在我们深入了解如何在马来西亚成为一名精算师之前,让我们先了解一下这个职业的情况。 精算师是使用数学和统计技能来评估和减少金融风险的专业人士。精算师一般可以在不同的行业工作,包括保险、银行和投资公司,…
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How to be an Actuary in Malaysia

What is an Actuary? Actuarial science can be an ideal profession for individuals who love dealing with numbers and studying the behaviour of the data. With the increasing interest and the vast career opportunities of this profession, it has become a booming trend for aspiring university students to enrol to further their study….
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TESL vs TESOL: 应该选哪一个呢?

英语一直以来是你的强项吗? 你是否一直享受着教育的简单快乐? 我相信这篇文章已经到达了目标群众,也就是你。 当然,您一生中或多或少应该也听说过一两次 TESL (英语作为第二语言教学)/ TESOL(对母语为非英语人士的英文教学),尤其是在与教育相关的话题中。 您知道它到底是什么,它与英语教育有关,但是其中有很多种证书,哪一种才适合你呢? TESL,TEFL 和 TESOL: 差别是什么呢? 如果…
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TESL Vs. TESOL: Which One to Choose?

Has English always been your forte? Have you always enjoyed the simple joy of teaching others? Then, I believe this article right here has reached its targeted audience; you.  Surely, you’ve heard of TESL/TESOL once or twice in your life, especially when brought up in  topics related to education. You have an idea…
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Architecture Vs. Engineering: Which One to Choose?

Architecture and engineering are both involved with designing and constructing a building of sorts. Whether it is a house, a shopping complex, an office building, you can bet that an architect and engineer was involved in the process. So what is the difference between the two? What do they have in common, and…
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Top 10 Private Universities in Malaysia

Top Private Universities in Malaysia Studying in Malaysia is like embarking on a thrilling adventure with a side of Nasi Lemak; you get to explore vibrant cultures, breathtaking landscapes, and indulge in mouthwatering food while earning a world-class education. It’s an opportunity to discover the “boleh spirit” and make lifelong memories, all while…
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