
How to become a Clinical Psychologist in Malaysia

What is a Clinical Psychologist? Are you someone who likes to help people overcome their mental health challenges and improve their overall well-being? If so, then you might be interested in pursuing a career as a Clinical Psychologist. In today’s topic, let us discuss what a Clinical Psychologist is and how you can…
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Should I pursue Psychology or Psychiatry?

What is Psychology? Psychology refers to the study and exploration of the mind and behaviour. The Psychology discipline encompasses all aspects of the human experience, from brain processes to acts, from child developments to aged care. The American Psychological Association (APA) remarks “the understanding of behaviour” as the endeavour of Psychologists in every…
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Most Versatile Degrees

What do the most versatile degrees mean? Have you ever wondered if the degree qualification you obtain can offer you additional job opportunities beyond your core study area? Well, there’s actually a concept called the “versatile degree” that demonstrates a broad spectrum of applicability, equipping graduates with a diverse skill set and knowledge…
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Micro Credential Courses in Malaysia

What is Micro Credential Courses? Have you ever heard of “Micro Credential Courses”? Although it might not be widely known by many, it’s certainly a topic worth exploring if you’re thinking about furthering your education. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at Micro Credential Courses and what they can offer you….
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Best Courses for Extroverts

Do you frequently find yourself in social situations in which you are the centre of attention and are constantly entertaining those around you? Do you thrive and feel most creative when conversing with others? If you answered yes to these questions, you are probably an extroverted person who gets energised from being around…
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如果你并不想修读理科学位课程 (Science stream degree course),并且比起文凭课程 (Diploma course),你反而对大学先修课程(Pre-University program)更感兴趣,那么你应该考虑修读文科基础课程 (Foundation in Arts)!当然,在马来西亚也有很多其他的大学课程,比如说A-Levels,AUSMAT, SACE,等等。那么,为…
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Study Psychology at Asia Pacific University (APU)

If you find yourself intrigued or fascinated by the investigation of understanding human behaviour and how the mind processes the experiences we have around us, psychology may be a good option for you to take as your degree programme. The study of psychology is a diverting course with an interesting career path that…
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Top 5 Universities to study Psychology in Australia based on QS Subject Ranking 2022

Do you feel that in order to be fully healthy, one needs to have both good physical and mental health? Do you have a basic understanding of mental illness or a desire to learn more about it? Have you always wished to be able to assist others in your chosen field? If that’s…
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Psychiatrist vs. Psychologist: What’s the Difference?

Psychiatrist or psychologist? Is there any difference between the two? How are they different? It is common to hear these two terms be used interchangeably, but in truth, the two are not the same. In this article, you will be looking at what a psychiatrist is, what a psychologist does, and which top…
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你是否对拯救生命以及为社会付出有着强烈的兴趣?并且可以接受到医院、诊所、实验室、药房甚至是疗养院工作?你正在考虑从事健康科学领域内的职业,但不确定要学习哪门专业?就让我们通过以下这篇文章带你了解更多关于健康科学的领域吧! 什么是健康科学? 健康科学是对所有与健康相关的学科总数的称呼,指的是那些利用工程学、数学、科学和技术的应用为人类和动物提供医疗保健的学科。该领域注重于研究及理解如何让人类和动物改…
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