study tesl in malaysia

TESL vs TESOL: 应该选哪一个呢?

英语一直以来是你的强项吗? 你是否一直享受着教育的简单快乐? 我相信这篇文章已经到达了目标群众,也就是你。 当然,您一生中或多或少应该也听说过一两次 TESL (英语作为第二语言教学)/ TESOL(对母语为非英语人士的英文教学),尤其是在与教育相关的话题中。 您知道它到底是什么,它与英语教育有关,但是其中有很多种证书,哪一种才适合你呢? TESL,TEFL 和 TESOL: 差别是什么呢? 如果…
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TESL Vs. TESOL: Which One to Choose?

Has English always been your forte? Have you always enjoyed the simple joy of teaching others? Then, I believe this article right here has reached its targeted audience; you.  Surely, you’ve heard of TESL/TESOL once or twice in your life, especially when brought up in  topics related to education. You have an idea…
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How to Become an English Teacher in Malaysia? (Study TESL/TESOL in Malaysia)

If you end up here, I’m assuming that there is a high probability of you planning to be an English teacher in the future. And I’m guessing the major reasons for that would be: You’re good at English language You really love teaching other people Or both (which screams big energy of an…
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