Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus


什么是人力资源管理? 人力资源管理(HRM)指的是管理一个组织的劳动力,包括招聘、培训、薪酬和雇员关系。人力资源管理在确保公司员工有效工作方面起着至关重要的作用,最终为组织的成功作出贡献。人力资源管理的范围包括各种领域,如招聘和选拔,培训和发展,绩效管理,薪酬和福利,员工关系和组织发展。这些领域旨在确保组织拥有一支有能力的员工队伍,他们有积极性,有生产力,并致力于实现组织的目标。 公司倾向于选择拥…
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Degree in Human Resource Management in Malaysia

What is Human Resource Management? Human Resource Management (HRM) refers to managing an organisation’s workforce, including recruitment, training, compensation, and employee relations. HRM plays a vital role in ensuring that the company’s employees work effectively, ultimately contributing to the organisation’s success. The scope of HRM includes various areas such as recruitment and selection,…
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