Study Education in Australia 2020

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As mentioned in our previous article, the job market in Australia is in demand for more primary school teachers. Hence this list will provide a comprehensive overview in this specific sector within the education field. We will brush over its course description, the skills required to succeed in this field, the kind of modules and assignments you will have, and finally, recommended universities to study Bachelor of Education (Primary) based on the credible QS World Ranking.

The Industry

Australia’s high quality international standard education is a huge industry in Australian society, swiftly growing into a AUD $20 billion export industry that attracts international students from all over the world. Their refined education programmes are highly coveted as it also includes preschools, primary and secondary schools, universities and other tertiary education institutes (such as TAFEs). 

There are more than 1,200 education institutes in Australia, offering more than 22,000 courses on subjects covering anything and everything you can think of! All in all, if you want to break into the industry, you must hold the all requirements of the federal Australia Qualification Framework to receive teaching accreditation. 

How do you become a teacher?

Generally speaking, careers in the education sector can be split into four distinct categories: the public education system, the private education system, educational organisational work (administration, manageration, etc.), and roles within academia. The following text will cover all areas which will be closely related to your future teaching career.

To become a certified teacher, you have to meet the academic requirements for employment as a teacher in your state. In general, it involves the completion of a relevant Bachelor degree (which takes four years), or enrolment in a postgraduate Master of Education. Working teachers will then be expected to continue fulfilling the education requirements throughout their careers.

Other types of teaching


You would often kickstart things with a short-term position as a tutor. To secure these positions, you must be an outstanding student who willingly pursue graduate research opportunities. Which also means academic merit and high marks, strong relationships with faculty and successful admission to an honours programme or doctorate, you would also be required to possess a distinction average and multiple references. Then, you’ll continue to excel through teaching research in order to pursue new academic opportunities.

Vocational education and training

To secure a job in vocational education and training, you must hold accreditation and industry experience. Many of these are involved within Tertiary and Further Education (TAFE) institutions, and they tend to focus on teaching skills important in hospitality, event management, retail, tourism, and various traits (such as plumbing, which are trained and studied throughout an apprenticeship).

Professional training

Professional training aims to help people who have already started their careers to continue improving and performing better in their job. It is recommended to study business or human relations at a tertiary level to smoothly enter this industry (you can have the option to study a double degree with education with the aforementioned courses).

Other opportunities

A huge step towards the development of technology has created a new teaching industry, with many colleges and universities emphasizing online content to the web, providing opportunities for both students and teachers to learn and teach virtually. This has also created a new market for teaching jobs with private companies.

Recommended Universities to Study Education:​​​

This list is based on the QS World Ranking for each university’s Bachelor’s program in Education. They are guaranteed to be credible, as they rank their subjects based on:

  • High enrolment rate in the program
  • High courses satisfaction rates among students and recent graduates
  • High employment rate

And finally, the education degrees will be listed according to their specified fields (e.g. primary, secondary, early childhood, etc.):

1. The University of Sydney

Study Engineering at University of Sydney

Always upholding its reputation as one of the top universities in Australia, their education programmes are ranked as the top #12 in the QS World Rankings.


Programme NameIndicative fee (2020)
Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood)AUD $48,500
Bachelor of Education (Primary)AUD $48,500
Bachelor of Education (Secondary Education: Mathematics) and Bachelor of ScienceAUD $48,500 
Bachelor of Education (Secondary Education: Science) and Bachelor of ScienceAUD $48,500 
Bachelor of Education (Secondary: Humanities and Social Sciences) and Bachelor of ArtsAUD $48,500 
Bachelor of Education (Health and Physical Education)AUD $48,500



Programme NameIndicative fee (2020)
Master of EducationAUD $42,000
Master of Education (Educational Management and Leadership)
Master of Education (Educational Psychology)
Master of Education (International Education)
Master of Education (Leadership in Aboriginal Education)
Master of Education (Special and Inclusive Education)
Master of Education (Sports Coaching)
Master of Education (TESOL)
Master of Education (Taronga Conservation Education)
Master of Learning Sciences and Technology (Professional)
Master of Learning Sciences and Technology (Research)
Master of Teaching (Early Childhood)
Master of Teaching (Primary)
Master of Teaching (Health and Physical Education)
Master of Teaching (School Counselling)
Master of Teaching (Secondary)

2. The University of Melbourne

The University of Melbourne is another incredibly reputable university in Australia, with their education programmes being ranked at #14


Even so, they do not carry specific undergraduate programmes for education specialisations. One option to make it as a teacher through this university is by taking a bachelor programme, then applying your knowledge from a bachelor programme towards your masters in education or teaching.

Programme NameIndicative fee (2020)
Master of EducationAUD $35,072
Master of Clinical EducationAUD $39,394
Master of Education (Research)AUD $35,072
Master of Education in Evidence-Based TeachingAUD $26,784 
Master of Education PsychologyAUD $37,600 
Master of EvaluationAUD $26,784
Master of International Education (International Baccalaureate)AUD $26,784
Master of Learning InterventionAUD $35,072
Master of Modern Languages EducationAUD $35,072
Master of Music (Performance Teaching)AUD $49,385
Master of Narrative Therapy and Community WorkAUD $20,736
Master of Philosopher – Education AUD $35,680
Master of TESOLAUD $35,072
Master of Teaching (Early Childhood and Primary)AUD $42,444
Master of Teaching (Early Childhood)AUD $37,728
Master of Teaching (Primary)AUD $37,728
Master of Teaching (Secondary)AUD $37,728
Master of Tertiary Education (Management)AUD $31,061
Master of Youth Mental HealthAUD $29,962

3. Monash University

Study Engineering in Australia

Monash University is also one of Australia’s top universities based in Melbourne, with their education programmes being ranked in #16.


Programme NameMajorsIndicative fee (2020)
Bachelor of Education (Honours)Early Years and Primary EducationAUD $34,000
Primary Education
Primary and Secondary Education
Primary and Secondary Inclusive Education
Primary and Secondary Health and Physical Education
Secondary Health and Physical Education
Secondary Education


Programme NameIndicative fee (2020)
Master of Counselling AUD $36,400
Master of EducationAUD $33,700
Master of LeadershipAUD $34,000
Master of TeachingAUD $32,600
Master of TESOLAUD $34,900


4. The University of Queensland


Ranked at #19, the University of Queensland provides four-year programmes for undergraduate education programmes, and multiple postgraduate degrees for several specialisations.

Programme NameIndicative fee (2020)
Bachelor of Education (Primary)AUD $32,352
Bachelor of Education (Primary) (Honours)AUD $32,352
Bachelor of Arts / Education (Secondary)AUD $33,744
Bachelor of Science / Education (Secondary)AUD $41,648
Bachelor of Business Management / Education (Secondary)AUD $39,792
Bachelor of Music (Honours) / Education (Secondary)AUD $34,304
Bachelor of Mathematics / Education (Secondary)AUD $40,720
Bachelor of Health, Sport and Physical Education (Honours)AUD $38,112



Programme NameIndicative fee (2020)
Master of Applied LinguisticsAUD $32,112
Master of Education StudiesAUD $30,304
Master of Teaching (Primary)AUD $45,456
Master of Teaching (Secondary)AUD $30,304
Master of TESOLAUD $34,900

5. Deakin University

Study nursing at Deakin University


Ranked at an impressive position of #27 for their education courses, Deakin University aims to make sure all their students are able to grasp the full curriculum of Australian education systems. 

Programme NameIndicative fee (2020)
Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood)AUD $29,400
Bachelor of Education (Primary) AUD $29,400
Bachelor of Health and Physical EducationAUD $29,400



Programme NameIndicative fee (2020)
Master of Applied Learning and TeachingAUD $22,400
Master of Digital Learning LeadershipAUD $14,750
Master of Education AUD $24,200
Master of Education (Leadership and Management)AUD $24,200
Master of Languages TeachingAUD $24,200
Master of Specialist Inclusive EducationAUD $25,000
Master of Teaching (Early Childhood)AUD $22,400
Master of Teaching (Primary and Early Childhood)AUD $22,400
Master of Teaching (Primary and Secondary)AUD $22,400
Master of Teaching (Primary)AUD $22,400
Master of Teaching (Secondary)AUD $22,400
Master of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (Secondary)AUD $22,400

That’s it for our recommendations for the best Australian universities to study Education. For more information, consult us! You can also contact us to apply.

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About Post Author

Jude Chong
A content writer & a student of University of Nottingham studying Bachelor of Communications. I like indie bands and meeting new people 🙂

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