Study Psychology at Asia Pacific University (APU)

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If you find yourself intrigued or fascinated by the investigation of understanding human behaviour and how the mind processes the experiences we have around us, psychology may be a good option for you to take as your degree programme. The study of psychology is a diverting course with an interesting career path that leads to a wide variety of job opportunities.

At Asia Pacific University (APU), you can enroll in their psychology programme, Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Psychology, where you will learn the necessary academic qualifications you need. Additionally, through APU’s advanced technology and well-structured programme, you will find yourself exposed to several equipment and research methodologies that are not only fascinating arenas to learn but are also great advantages to your future employment.

Why Should You Study Psychology at APU?

Malaysia is not short of private universities offering psychology programmes. There is a variety of universities that currently offer a bachelor’s degree in psychology, and a lot of them have a competitive edge in their curriculum. So, what sets APU apart?

APU is well-known for its programmes in computer science and engineering. With the advanced technology that the university has adopted, its psychology department has had the fortunate advantage of being exposed to such technological development, thus providing its students with an edge over other universities. The modern society we are living in right now relies heavily on the roles technology plays in our lives. If modern-day medicine has had the opportunity to advance its work through newly developed mechanisation, so can psychology; and this is what APU is offering!

Moreover, APU’s psychology programme looks further into solving the psychological issues that have arisen in this cyberworld. APU believes that by merging the two worlds of technology and psychology, a further understanding of the modern world we are currently living in right now could be established. This digital era has brought new issues into the mental health arena, and APU believes that modern technology can be used for the purpose of carrying out psychological assessments and analyses.

APU Psychology Center

Aside from the psychology programme the university has to offer, APU also has a psychology center that is built into their facility to support their students’ learning and research projects. This psychology center is well equipped with the facilities students would need to conduct their practical activities for their programme.

The facilities included in the center are:

  • Eye-Tracking Laboratory* 
  • Electroencephalogram (EEG)*
  • Psychobiological Laboratory
  • Therapy Suites (Group & Individual)
  • Psychological Testing and Measurement Room
  • Psychology Group Observation Suite
  • Activity and Discussion Rooms

*What are Eye-Tracking Laboratory and EEG?

The eye tracking technology is essentially a research application that processes information by interpreting human cognitive behaviour, either by solving a problem or through decision-making processes. This software tracks the eye movement of the candidate under assessment and deduces the ongoing mental processes of the individual while executing these tasks. 

Examples of what the eye-tracking equipment studies are:

  • Attention span
  • Decision-making
  • Problem-solving
  • Memory

Over the years, eye-tracking technology has greatly contributed to researchers’ understanding of human behaviour whilst also opening the doors to advanced fields of psychology and neuroscience. This amazing technology is available for use on APU’s campus, which gives you the opportunity to explore and experience the equipment. Moreover, you’ll be able to retrieve more valuable information for your research!


EEG on the other hand, allows students to experience the opportunity of studying varying mental health states, thoughts, and imagination. The practice of EEG involves placing conductive electrodes on the scalp to measure the small electrical potentials that arise outside of the head. These are due to the neuronal action that is happening within the brain. Mostly used in the neuroscience, clinical, and neuromarketing departments, in APU you may also be able to use the EEG to conduct your psychological research. This equipment could be used along with the eye-tracking technology, providing your research with a much thorough result.

Interested in having first-hand look at all the amazing Psychology facilities offered by Asia Pacific University? Contact us now and we will set up a campus tour for you!

Programme Outline & Dual Degree Programme

The course entails several modules, both common and specialised modules. Below is a brief table for both of these modules, separated in their respective Degree Years (1 – 3).

Degree Year 1

Common Modules

  • Intercultural Communication
  • Trends and Visual Thinking
  • Core Concepts in Communication Theories

Specialised Modules

  • Introduction to Psychology
  • Developmental Psychology
  • Ethics in Psychology
  • Historical Perspectives in Psychology
  • Social Psychology


Degree Year 2

Common Modules

  • Social Media
  • Political Communication

Specialised Modules

  • Psychological Disorders
  • Bilogical Disorders
  • Introduction to Research Methods and Qualitative Analysis
  • Personality Psychology
  • Cognitive Psychology
  • Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology


Degree Year 3

Common Modules

  • Investigations Module
  • Project Module

Specialised Modules

  • Counselling Principles and Philosophy
  • Psychological Testing & Measurement
  • Industrial and Organisational Psychology
  • Conceptual Issues and Critical Debates in Psychology

Moreover, on this course, you will be undergoing an internship training period of 16 weeks to prepare you better for a smoother transition from learning in a classroom to working in a professional environment.

Additionally, APU is also offering a dual degree programme. Students under APU’s Bachelor’s Degree Programme have an opportunity to choose the APU-DMU Dual Degree Scheme. This Scheme allows students to receive 2 Certificates upon their graduation. 

The APU-DMU dual degree is essentially under APU’s collaboration with De Montford University (DMU), UK. These degree programmes were approved under the United Kingdam Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) UK Quality Code for Higher Education. Both of these certificates are recognised nationally and internationally, which doubles your advantages of getting an edge on other applicants when entering your future career path.

General Requirements Needed to Pursue Psychology in APU

So now that you know what APU’s Psychology programme has to offer, let us now look into the requirements you need to fulfil in order for you to be eligible for this course:


Minimum Requirement


2 Cs


2 Cs


Minimum CGPA of 2.0


Minimum CGPA of 2.0

For more information on the general requirements you need to fulfil, contact us now!

Studying Psychology in APU

Looking now into what the programme would entail, we have created a brief table below for you to peruse further on the duration, intakes, and fees.


Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Psychology


3 years 


September & November

Indicative Fees

Local Students: RM78,000

International Students: RM88,200

For more information on the programme structure, fees, and duration, don’t hesitate to contact us now!

Contact us to find out more!

Student enquiries:

Call/ WhatsApp: +60162206607

Email: [email protected]

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About The Author

Karisse Hannah 

Journalism and Advertising major. Passionate about reading and writing, and an advocate for the truth.

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