Studying in Australia


人工智能的崛起 人工智能(AI)是指数字计算机或计算机控制的机器人执行通常归因于智能生物的任务的能力,它可以被编程来执行计划、学习、推理、解决问题和决策等功能。简而言之,人工智能(AI)是计算机科学的一个广泛领域,它构建了可以执行人类任务的智能机器。该术语经常被用来指具有类似人类认知能力的系统的发展,如推理、发掘意义、概括或从过去的经验中学习的能力。 人工智能(AI)在工作场所的快速发展,不仅引起…
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The Rapid Changes of Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace: What is at Stake?

The Rise of Artificial Intelligence Artificial intelligence (AI) is the capacity of a digital computer or computer-controlled robot to execute tasks that are typically attributed to intelligent creatures and it can be programmed to perform functions such as planning, learning, reasoning, problem-solving, and decision-making. In short, Artificial intelligence (AI) is a broad field…
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