Study abroad

Top Institution in Australia to study Community Service

What is Community Service about? Community service or community work, is work done voluntarily with the objective to provide services to society, especially where service is needed. Professional community work is sometimes confused with support work or personal care. It is most certainly one of the caring professions (like social work), but it…
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Top 5 Universities in Australia to study Social Work

What does a Social Worker do? Social workers are professional change facilitators. Social workers assist people in bringing change in life that will enhance individual and social well-being. This is possible through the identification of needed alterations and getting people to the support of safe housing or family therapy. Social workers have knowledge…
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Top Film University in the UK

What is Filmmaking about? The art of filmmaking usually brings together a mix of both creative and technical skills, along with storytelling collated in the manner of a consistent visual narrative. In essence, it involves making, preparing, recording, editing, and distribution of a film or movie. This process brings several creative heads together,…
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Top Universities for Media and Communication Degree in the UK

What is Media and Communication? Media and communication refer to an ample field of channels and platforms that people use to give information and convey ideas and messages. These can go from traditional ones like print and broadcast to cinema, up to the present day where digital ones like social media and websites…
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How to become an Early Childhood Educator in Australia

What is an Early Childhood Educator? Are you born with the natural talent to interact with kids and have the passion for working with children to help them grow and develop? If your answer is yes, then a career as an Early Childhood Educator might fit the bill for you.  But first, let’s…
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How to become a Doctor in Australia

What is a Doctor? What is your first impression when we talk about superheroes? Often, many of us will think of capes and masks or even associate them with superpowers like super strength and enhanced senses like our friendly neighbourhood Spiderman or maybe Doctor Strange with powerful magical skills.  But in the real…
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What separates Interior Design from Interior Architecture

What is Interior Design? Have an eye to transform a regular space to an artistic space? Learning Interior Design may be the right path for you. According to the International Interior Design Association, Interior Design is defined as the professional and comprehensive practice of creating an interior environment that addresses, protects, and responds…
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List of Regional Universities in Australia

What are Regional Areas in Australia? When considering the idea of studying overseas in a country like Australia, do you always assume that your only options are to study in big cities like Sydney or Melbourne? If so, you might be mistaken. In reality, Australia has numerous other regions where you can pursue…
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Twinning Program in Malaysia with Australia

What is a Twinning Programme? Are you dreaming of furthering your studies abroad but feeling stressed out by the high costs? What if we told you that there’s a way to realise your dream without breaking the bank? How does that sound to you? Introducing to you the Twinning Programme – an affordable…
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