

生物医学是一门致力于促进人类健康发展的学术领域。该领域旨在不断研究治疗登革热、艾滋病毒等疾病的方法。例如,冠状病毒大流行在所有人最意想不到的时候席卷了全球,让整个世界都停了下来。一年前,我们还不知道冠状病毒是什么,基本上是在沮丧中,因为它影响了全球经济,并造成了全球失业率上升。 一年之后,我们已经有几种疫苗进入临床试验并被批准在几个国家进行大规模疫苗接种。这就是生物医学科学领域的用武之地,该领域的…
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Top 10 Universities to Study Biomedical Science in Australia

What is Biomedical Science? According to the Institute of Biomedical Science, IBMS, Biomedical Science is a broad field of modern science developed from the fundamentals of modern medicine. Likewise, Biomedical Science is a multidisciplinary field combining many subsets of healthcare centering on human biology and diseases. As such, Biomedical Science is vital in…
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Best Universities to Study Chemical Engineering in Australia

The secret for the fizz in sodas ranging all the way to renewable or solar energy is *drumroll*  Chemical Engineering. If you want to do something which involves problem solving and Chemistry, Chemical Engineering is the way to go. Keep reading to find out some of the best universities to study Chemical Engineering…
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University of Newcastle (UON), Australia

The University of Newcastle (UON), is an Australian public university established in 1965. It has a primary campus in Callaghan, a suburb of Newcastle, New South Wales. The university also operates campuses in Ourimbah, Port Macquarie, Singapore and the central business districts of Newcastle and Sydney. Historically, the University of Newcastle Medical School has performed…
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