communication degree

Difference of Communication and Mass Communication Degree

We live in a time of connectivity, where communication is vital in ensuring accurate information is delivered to the masses. You’ll listen to a politician’s speech on TV and wonder how are they so articulate? Well, that’s thanks to script writers working hard in the Communication or even, Mass Communication degree field. Searching…
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Exploring Remote Jobs: What to Study for Remote Jobs in Malaysia

As a result of the pandemic as well as technological advancements, working conditions have definitely shifted. Some workplaces allow for certain jobs to shift from traditional working arrangements to either a remote or hybrid arrangement. Even some of the big corporate companies, including Maybank have implemented these flexible working conditions for their employees….
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Does Your Degree Determine Your Career Path for the Rest of Your Life?

Amp up on Your Soft Skills, and It Doesn’t Have To! It is impossible to predict what the job market will be like by the time you graduate, which makes choosing a university degree only that much harder. As you’re trying to figure out the best undergraduate degree that will “futureproof” you, it…
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Top 10 Highest Paying Jobs in Malaysia 2019

From time to time, you may ask yourself about these questions: How should I plan for my future? What job is the best job out there available and suitable for me? Am I making the right choice? Well, we often faced the similar problems at some points of our lives, graduates struggling to…
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