Western Sydney University

Difference of Communication and Mass Communication Degree

We live in a time of connectivity, where communication is vital in ensuring accurate information is delivered to the masses. You’ll listen to a politician’s speech on TV and wonder how are they so articulate? Well, that’s thanks to script writers working hard in the Communication or even, Mass Communication degree field. Searching…
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Top 5 Universities in Australia to study Social Work

What does a Social Worker do? Social workers are professional change facilitators. Social workers assist people in bringing change in life that will enhance individual and social well-being. This is possible through the identification of needed alterations and getting people to the support of safe housing or family therapy. Social workers have knowledge…
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Differentiating Computer Science & Data Science: What are the Differences?

What is Computer Science & Data Science? What is Computer Science? If you think about it, technology has greatly diffused itself into society. You see it everywhere, from applications to softwares, smartphones, and even computers! For this reason, you’ll recognise Computer Science to be quite a valued field.   Computer Science can be loosely…
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Times Higher Education Ranking 2023: Australian Young University Rankings

What is Times Higher Education (THE)? For those looking to understand more about the quality and accreditation of the university, Times Higher Education (THE), a British journal, offers an annual data ranking of universities. Through data gathering and consultation at more than 1,600 colleges in 99 countries, THE has assisted students in making…
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留学是一生中难得的机会。通过获得国外经验来提高学习过程,扩大接触不同文化和生活方式,这是一件好事。如果您既喜欢大自然又想探索大城市,那么澳大利亚将是一个绝佳的选择!拥有世界一流的大学、多元化的社区和美丽的自然景观,很容易理解为什么这么多学生选择澳大利亚作为他们的留学目的地。 然而,在澳大利亚学习的费用可能会相当高。幸运的是,机构提供各种奖学金给国际学生,帮助他们履行财务承诺。我们为您编制了一份来自…
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Scholarships for International Students in Australia 2022

Studying abroad is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It is a good thing to get foreign experience in order to improve your learning process while also expanding exposure to different cultures and ways of life. If you enjoy nature but also want to explore big cities, Australia would be an excellent option for you! With…
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什么是心理学? 心理学一词源自于希腊文,意思是关于灵魂的科学。灵魂在希腊文中也代表着气体或呼吸,古人认为生命依赖于呼吸,呼吸停止也代表着生命的完结,之后随着科学的发展,心理学的对象从灵魂转为心灵。 根据美国心理学会的定义,心理学是一门关于人类思想和行为的研究。简单来说,心理学研究个人以及群体之间的互动,为了能更好地了解人与人之间、社会和社区当中的运作以及找出更好的交流方式。 心理学系学科 心理学系…
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了解更多 如果你热衷于使他人的生活变得更加美好,那护理专业一定是你的不二之选!护理是一个备受尊重和被人信任的职业,充满了机遇和回报。下文将会列举出选择护理专业的原因和好处以及为什么护理专业是最适合你的选择。 对护理专业人才需求的增长 护理行业展示了它发展的潜力和对人才的需求。澳大利亚一直对医疗工作者持有欢迎的态度。最近,护士的需求量特别大。这是由于澳大利亚的人口增长在过去 50 年中翻了一倍多,而…
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第一次世界大战初期,许多医生对“按摩疗法”持怀疑态度。但是,当时大批的士兵急需康复治疗。物理治疗师们正好借此机会,向世人展示并证明了物理治疗强大的治疗作用。到1918年底,物理治疗逐渐变得广为人知。在20世纪30年代末,“物理治疗”一词被社会各界广泛采纳与运用。 第一次世界大战之后,物理治疗传入澳大利亚,并被发扬光大。 那么,物理治疗究竟是什么?这种疗法有什么医疗作用?它又是如何帮助广大在战争中身…
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Top 5 Degrees for Creative People

If you are a creative person, traditional careers might not be very appealing to you. You need a job that will help you let your inner creativity out in your everyday life.  Today, in order to pursue a career in the ever-changing creative world, you need to have a set of creative skills…
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