game design

The Future of Design in Malaysia

Design’s impact on your life is much more prominent than you think. From having a clear and user-friendly interface on your favourite digital platforms to the comfortability of the bed you sleep on in your room, design has everything to do with ensuring you are able to live comfortably and efficiently. This also…
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给喜欢艺术的你: 课程参考

对全世界的艺术爱好者 —— 这篇献给你 “追随你的热忱,它会引导你走向你的目标” -奥普拉·温弗瑞 在现今的时代,艺术不再被视为一门没落、无关紧要的课程。而事实上,现今几乎每个行业都需要艺术,而你绝对不会想要错过这能让你在创意领域中工作的机会。 以下推荐几项课程给喜欢艺术的你。 多媒体设计(Multimedia Design) 什么是多媒体设计? 多媒体设计是一项整合了多种媒体形式的艺术。多媒体设…
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Game Design vs Game Development – What are the differences?

The gaming industry is arguably one of the most important and innovative sectors today. While video games started out with consoles connected to our TVs, the development of technology benefits the industry to expand onto multiple platforms including PC, smartphone and social media, making it accessible to people of all ages. It is…
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Top Degree Courses to study if you love Arts

Calling out all the art lovers all around the world — this one’s for you. “Follow your passion, it will lead you to your purpose.” – Oprah Winfrey It’s 2020 — arts is no longer seen as a dying and irrelevant course. In fact, art is needed nearly in every sector now, and…
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