
Twinning Program in Malaysia with Australia

What is a Twinning Programme? Are you dreaming of furthering your studies abroad but feeling stressed out by the high costs? What if we told you that there’s a way to realise your dream without breaking the bank? How does that sound to you? Introducing to you the Twinning Programme – an affordable…
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Work Visa Extension Australia

What is post study work visa in Australia? Before we dive into this topic, let me ask you a question. If you are considering studying abroad, have your parents ever discussed with you the possibility of completing your studies there and settling down permanently (e.g., obtaining a work visa or permanent residency)? If…
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什么是双联课程? 马来西亚学生通常将英国作为海外深造的首选之地。更重要的是,英国以提供世界一流教育的著名教育机构而闻名。然而,在英国接受高等教育的费用可能相当昂贵,这可能会阻碍一些学生的愿望。 不用担心,有一个选择适合您!如果您希望接受全球教育而又不需要花费巨额资金,那么 “双联课程”–这一经济实惠的教育途径就非常适合您。 双联课程通常是指两所教育机构合作,共同…
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什么是法医? 如果你是一个喜欢狂看犯罪调查系列的人,比如著名的CSI系列,并且总是被法医科学家如何发现改变整个剧情走向的新线索所吸引,或者你有解决复杂谜题的天赋,像福尔摩斯或江户川柯南一样发现真正的真相,那么你可能有兴趣在法医科学方面进一步学习。  法医科学在这里似乎是一件大事,但实际上什么是法医科学?让我用一些简单的词来形容它–它是一个使用科学方法和技术来调查和解决问题的领域,通常是…
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UK Twinning Programmes in Malaysia

What is a Twinning Programme? Malaysian students often consider the United Kingdom (UK) as their preferred location to further their studies in an overseas context. What’s more is that the UK is famed for prestigious education institutions that provide world-class education. However, pursuing higher education in the UK can be pretty pricey, which…
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Forensic Science Degrees in Malaysia 2023

What is Forensic Science? If you are someone who enjoys bingeing on crime investigation series like the famous CSI series and always gets fascinated by how forensic scientists discover new clues that change the whole episode direction, or if you have the natural talent for solving complex puzzles to discover the real truth…
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工程学是一个专注于解决问题的领域。 这个特定的研究领域涉及广泛的职业工作。 从我们城市中的建筑物到手机的制造,工程师都有参与设计和组装这些部件。 工程师是伟大的思想家和发明家。 他们是我们的生活继续进步为一个更有效的系统并同时间保证我们的安全。 如果您对解决问题以及数学、科学和艺术之间的关系感兴趣,那么工程学可能是最适合您的职业道路。       工程学的种类 如上所述,工程学具有广泛的职业前景。…
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Architecture Vs. Engineering: Which One to Choose?

Architecture and engineering are both involved with designing and constructing a building of sorts. Whether it is a house, a shopping complex, an office building, you can bet that an architect and engineer was involved in the process. So what is the difference between the two? What do they have in common, and…
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Types of Engineering Specialization in Malaysia

Engineering is a field that focuses on problem-solving. This particular area of study has a wide reach of occupational jobs. From the buildings that we have in our cities, to the manufacture of our phones, an engineer has been involved in designing and assembling these pieces. Engineers are great thinkers and inventors. They…
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什么是机械工程? 机械工程是工程学旗下其中一个涉及范围最广的学科。他们在设计及研发我们日常生活中最常见的物品中有着很大的贡献。从一些不起眼的家电,例如冰箱,冷气机和微波炉到柴油引擎,发电机和电气发电等大型工程器械都是机械工程研发出来的产物。 机械工程师的工作范围是什么? 机械工程师们的主要会投入在研究,设计,生产,以及测试他们的产品,器具,系统以及流程直到他们达到使用标准。他们会与其他不同专业的工…
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