Taylor’s University

Most Versatile Degrees

What do the most versatile degrees mean? Have you ever wondered if the degree qualification you obtain can offer you additional job opportunities beyond your core study area? Well, there’s actually a concept called the “versatile degree” that demonstrates a broad spectrum of applicability, equipping graduates with a diverse skill set and knowledge…
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Chef vs Cook: What you need to know

What do a Chef and a Cook do? Chef is a professional cook. Although it is common knowledge that a Chef is a higher rank or position than a Cook, Chefs themselves differ in rank. In a restaurant, there can be different types of Chefs such as Sous Chefs, Pastry Chefs, Demi Chef,…
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Doctor or Engineer, which is better?

What do a Doctor and an Engineer do? In a typical reunion setting with your relatives, like with your uncles and aunties, you will surely be getting such questions – Ah Boy/ Ah Girl, what do you want to be in the future? Doctor, Engineer, or Lawyer? Does this sound very familiar to…
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Twinning Program in Malaysia with Australia

What is a Twinning Programme? Are you dreaming of furthering your studies abroad but feeling stressed out by the high costs? What if we told you that there’s a way to realise your dream without breaking the bank? How does that sound to you? Introducing to you the Twinning Programme – an affordable…
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What is ChatGPT? Everything You Need to Know as A Student

What is ChatGPT? ChatGPT is like a super-powered robot that talks just like a real person! Using cutting-edge AI technology, this language model can help you with all sorts of things, from answering your questions to helping you write essays and even code. It’s like having a personal assistant who never gets tired…
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什么是双联课程? 马来西亚学生通常将英国作为海外深造的首选之地。更重要的是,英国以提供世界一流教育的著名教育机构而闻名。然而,在英国接受高等教育的费用可能相当昂贵,这可能会阻碍一些学生的愿望。 不用担心,有一个选择适合您!如果您希望接受全球教育而又不需要花费巨额资金,那么 “双联课程”–这一经济实惠的教育途径就非常适合您。 双联课程通常是指两所教育机构合作,共同…
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UK Twinning Programmes in Malaysia

What is a Twinning Programme? Malaysian students often consider the United Kingdom (UK) as their preferred location to further their studies in an overseas context. What’s more is that the UK is famed for prestigious education institutions that provide world-class education. However, pursuing higher education in the UK can be pretty pricey, which…
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Dentist or Doctor? Which one should you choose?

What do a Dentist and Doctor do? Deciding on a career path in the medical industry can be both exciting and daunting, especially with so many specialisations to choose from in this field. In this article, we will be discussing two very prominent professions – Dentistry and Medicine, which one should you choose?…
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Filmmaking Degree in Malaysia

What is Filmmaking? Are you a moviegoer and like supporting every movie in the cinema to show your appreciation to everyone that put up the movie? If yes, we might have the right education pathway that complements your interest, and yet you can continue to develop your hobby for work – Filmmaking! Filmmaking…
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什么是精算师? 对于喜欢处理数字和研究数据行为的人来说,精算师可以是一个非常理想的职业。随着人们对这一专业的兴趣越来越大,职业机会也越来越多,有志于此的大学生报名深造,已经成为一种蓬勃发展的趋势。因此,在我们深入了解如何在马来西亚成为一名精算师之前,让我们先了解一下这个职业的情况。 精算师是使用数学和统计技能来评估和减少金融风险的专业人士。精算师一般可以在不同的行业工作,包括保险、银行和投资公司,…
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