As Seen on TV : Study Law based on these series and films

Are you a Law Student or an aspiring Lawyer, feeling a tad bit uninspired and unmotivated? If you are, maybe you can watch some of these recommended legal drama series and films as a way of motivating yourself to persevere in the competitive field of Law. What is Law? First order of business,…
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UK Law Graduate Uses Passion for Sports to Coach Autistic | Excel Education Talks to Joel (E2 Talks 02)

About The Guest Joel graduated with a Bachelor of Law at the University of Hull through BAC’s UK Law Degree Transfer Program. At 23 years old, Joel founded “J8 Autism Athletics” – a company that focuses on providing physical therapy services to children with special needs, primarily those on the autism spectrum.  Disclaimer:…
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怎么样才算是一名律师? 大部分人对律师的印象,就是代表客户在民事或刑事审判中为他们辩护并提供证据的一方。但更准确的来说,律师的工作涉及范围很广,他们也为顾客提供其在法律上保有的权益和义务,并根据当时的法律情况为客户提供最佳的处理方式供顾客参考。 除此之外,律师还需要对该法律问题作出研究以及准备一系列的法律文件(遗嘱、契约、合同、诉讼和上诉)– 他们拥有分析法律条规和裁决的能力。 律师这…
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什么是A-Levels? A-Levels是英国普通中等教育证书考试高级水平课程,也是英国学生的大学入学考试课程。A-Levels通常需要 15-24个月的时间才能完成,具体取决于不同大学要求和入学人数。有些大学还提供12个月的速成课程。A-Levels课程要求学生学习3门或4门主科科目并参加毕业考试。学生的考试成绩及其所选的A-Levels课程在很大程度上决定了是否能够深入的了解所选择的大学课程…
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The Best Colleges in Malaysia for A-Levels Program 2019

The Best Colleges in Malaysia for A-Levels programme  What is A-Level  A-Level is a Pre-University programme based on the UK education system. A-Level takes usually 15-24 month of duration to complete depending on which college and intake. Some also offer 12-month express route. It is 100% exam-based and you will be required to…
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