
Top Universities in the UK for Nursing

Did you know that in the UK, Nursing is one of the most employable types of degree with 94% of students getting a job within six months upon completion of their course? Let’s kick start your journey in studying Nursing in the UK by reading this article, where we’ll look at fundamentals of…
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Work Visa Extension Australia

What is post study work visa in Australia? Before we dive into this topic, let me ask you a question. If you are considering studying abroad, have your parents ever discussed with you the possibility of completing your studies there and settling down permanently (e.g., obtaining a work visa or permanent residency)? If…
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澳大利亚 TAFE 课程

什么是澳大利亚 TAFE 课程? 您是否喜欢亲身体验实际工作,却很难在传统的课堂环境中静下心来整天聆听理论?如果是这样,那么技术与继续教育(TAFE)就是您的最佳选择。 但 TAFE 究竟是什么呢?TAFE 是澳大利亚政府开办的一项课程,为高中毕业后的学生提供美容、设计、育儿、酒店管理、商务、健康、IT 等领域的高质量职业教育和培训。开设 TAFE 课程的机构一般由政府资助,并在特定的工作场所提供…
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TAFE Courses in Australia

What is TAFE Australia? Are you someone who loves to get hands-on experience with practical tasks and has a hard time sitting still in a traditional classroom setting, listening to theories all day long? If so, then Technical and Further Education (TAFE) is the perfect choice for you. But what exactly is TAFE?…
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什么是护理学? 在老年时期,护士总是被认为是医生的一个单纯的助手,就像罗宾和蝙蝠侠一样。然而,现在这已成为过去!(再见所有这些传统的看法)!(护士不再被认为是医疗助理,而是在医疗保健行业中发挥着非常重要作用的医疗专业人员。 护士可能有很多不同的版本,但主要是为个人、家庭和社区提供各种护理和支持,以促进健康和福祉,预防疾病和伤害,并减轻痛苦。综上所述,他们基本上是胶水,握着病人的手走在康复的路上。 …
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Study Nursing in Australia

What is Nursing? In old age, Nurses are always perceived as a mere sidekick to doctors, just like Robin and Batman. However, this is now a thing of the past! (Bye bye to all these traditional perceptions.) Nurses are no longer considered medical assistants but rather medical professionals who play a very important…
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“为什么我觉得自己很喜欢照顾人?我喜欢被人需要的感觉,我喜欢帮助老年人或残疾人。” “那是因为你是一位富有同情心的人。你喜欢被人需要,所以喜欢通过帮助他人来满足你的需求,同时你也让这个世界变得更美好。因此,你注定能成为一名好护士。” 大多数护士都表示这是他们成为护士的原因,因为他们热爱帮助别人更多于自己。 然而,自1988年以来,护士职位短缺的问题一直都存在 。据预测,全世界至少需要雇佣多达100…
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Best Courses for Extroverts

Do you frequently find yourself in social situations in which you are the centre of attention and are constantly entertaining those around you? Do you thrive and feel most creative when conversing with others? If you answered yes to these questions, you are probably an extroverted person who gets energised from being around…
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Becoming a Nurse in Malaysia

An article from New Straits Times in 2023 has also mentioned that Malaysia is estimated to need 113,472 Nurses by the year 2025. So, if you are searching for a career which contributes to greater good with assured job security, maybe a career as a Nurse is to be considered. Our article aims…
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The 10 Best High-Paying Jobs in The Future

The future potential job demand and salary is one of the criteria that students look for when choosing the course to study. With the rapidly changing technology landscape, the job market is so different from how it was many years ago. When it comes to choosing a career, you should consider the occupations…
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