Mahsa University

Studying Business Administration in Malaysia

One of the most preferred degree options among students all around the world is business administration. The reason for this is straightforward, because Business Administration courses teach students about a company’s internal operations, how they work, and how to manage them on a variety of different levels. This course is getting more and…
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Study at MAHSA University

MAHSA University is an institution that is in a state of continuous development. This includes the introduction of new academic programmes, the establishment of educational pathways leading to higher levels of study, and participation in research endeavors. These developments are being made in order to provide prospective and current students with a comprehensive…
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“为什么我觉得自己很喜欢照顾人?我喜欢被人需要的感觉,我喜欢帮助老年人或残疾人。” “那是因为你是一位富有同情心的人。你喜欢被人需要,所以喜欢通过帮助他人来满足你的需求,同时你也让这个世界变得更美好。因此,你注定能成为一名好护士。” 大多数护士都表示这是他们成为护士的原因,因为他们热爱帮助别人更多于自己。 然而,自1988年以来,护士职位短缺的问题一直都存在 。据预测,全世界至少需要雇佣多达100…
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Best Wallet-Friendly Cafes for Students to Study at in KL

It seems that students in Malaysia do better when they study outside of their usual study space. We are fortunate to have a wide number of cafes to choose around KL, each of which exudes a calming atmosphere and has cosy furniture that is ideal for studying and holding meetings. Students faced this…
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Top Factors to Consider When Choosing a University

One of the most important decisions you will make in your life is where you will attend university. Not only will you be attached to it for at least three years, but it may also completely change your life. While in some cases you will need to transfer universities, changing universities is an…
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2022 年修读药剂学的顶尖私立大学

你是那种在别人不舒服的时候想照顾别人的人吗? 您有兴趣了解药物如何治疗疾病吗? 也许,你可能只是天生就有把握化学和生物学之间关系的天赋。 如果是这样,药物研究可能是最适合您的课程!  什么是药剂学? 药剂学是一个学习怎么使用药品的专业。他们会学习如何使用,保存,延长使用时间,和配药。药剂学是一个融合了医学和化学的领域专业 – 专业研究,生产,销毁以及管制这些药物。学习这个专业的学生们都…
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2022 年在马来西亚修读医学与外科 (MBBS) 的前 5 大学

什么是医学与外科? 医学和外科通常被称为 MBBS,学习 MBBS 是为了研究使用医疗保健知识来诊断、治疗和预防疾病、病毒或受伤。医生有义务通过检查和诊断病情来保持整个社会是健康的,并以寻找疾病的根源,然后通过药物寻求治疗方案。 MBBS 的整个课程分为两个阶段,临床前培训 pre-clinical training(2年)和临床培训 clinical training(3年)。临床前培训纯粹是考…
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Top Universities to Study Pharmacy in Malaysia 2022

Are you the kind of person that wants to take care of others when they are unwell? Do you have an interest to learn how medicine works to cure illnesses? Perhaps, you might simply have an innate talent for grasping the relationship between chemistry and biology. If so, pharmaceutical studies just might be…
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药剂学 vs 药物科学:到底该怎么选择呢?

你是否拥有想要帮助其他人的愿景?你是否对化学和人体构造有兴趣?你是否在未来想要在药品方面的领域工作?如果都是的话,你来到了对的地方。 但是!!!你是不是无法辨别药剂学和药物科学之间的差别呢?!那么快把以下的内容全部都收藏起来吧!他们会很大程度上帮助你在未来选择对的专业哟! 什么是药剂学? 药剂学是一个学习怎么使用药品的专业。他们会学习如何使用,保存,延长使用时间,和配药。药剂学是一个融合了医学和化…
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Top 5 Universities to Study Medicine & Surgery (MBBS) in Malaysia

Looking to study MBBS in Malaysia but not sure which university to enrol? Check out the Top private Medical university to study in Malaysia that you can consider.  What is MBBS? MBBS stands for Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery. It is an undergraduate Degree programme pursued by individuals aspiring to become medical…
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