Can I pursue Medicine with an Art Stream background?

If you’ve landed here, you’re probably someone who is wondering “Can I pursue Medicine with an Art Stream background?” or “Can non science student become Doctor in Malaysia?” Traditionally, the path to Medicine has always been associated with Science. However, according to the Malaysian Medical Council (MMC), and the document for minimum qualifications…
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你可能偶尔会看到运动员或名人的皮肤上因拔罐而出现的紫色圆圈,或者你可能有一位朋友喜欢使用针灸来治疗腰酸背痛或喜欢喝凉茶来治疗感冒。在当今时代,越来越多的人们开始倾向于实践中医学 (TCM),这是因为中医学不仅可以帮助治疗疾病,还可以帮助我们预防疾病。 中医学在中国已经拥有了几千年古老的历史。在经过几千年的临床实践,证实了中医学无论是在治病或预防疾病上,都是确凿有效可行的。不仅如此,学习中医也能帮助…
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Studying Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in Malaysia

You may occasionally see athletes or celebrities with purple circles on their skin as a result of cupping. Perhaps you have a friend who swears by acupuncture for back pain or herbal teas for colds. People are increasingly turning to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) practices like these to not only treat but also…
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马来西亚至今拥有20所公立大学和437所私立大学。也许您已经选择了自己喜欢的课程,并且对未来的职业道路有了清晰的规划。由于马来西亚拥有的私立大学种类繁多,您又应该如何选择最适合自己的大学呢? 为了帮助您缩小选择范围,在本文中,我们将根据SETARA评级提供的马来西亚前五名私立大学的信息供您参考。 什么是SETARA评级? 虽然大多数大学评级都来自国际公认的QS世界大学排名,但是马来西亚本身也有SE…
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Becoming a Nurse in Malaysia

An article from New Straits Times in 2023 has also mentioned that Malaysia is estimated to need 113,472 Nurses by the year 2025. So, if you are searching for a career which contributes to greater good with assured job security, maybe a career as a Nurse is to be considered. Our article aims…
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2022 年修读药剂学的顶尖私立大学

你是那种在别人不舒服的时候想照顾别人的人吗? 您有兴趣了解药物如何治疗疾病吗? 也许,你可能只是天生就有把握化学和生物学之间关系的天赋。 如果是这样,药物研究可能是最适合您的课程!  什么是药剂学? 药剂学是一个学习怎么使用药品的专业。他们会学习如何使用,保存,延长使用时间,和配药。药剂学是一个融合了医学和化学的领域专业 – 专业研究,生产,销毁以及管制这些药物。学习这个专业的学生们都…
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Top Universities to Study Pharmacy in Malaysia 2022

Are you the kind of person that wants to take care of others when they are unwell? Do you have an interest to learn how medicine works to cure illnesses? Perhaps, you might simply have an innate talent for grasping the relationship between chemistry and biology. If so, pharmaceutical studies just might be…
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药剂学 vs 药物科学:到底该怎么选择呢?

你是否拥有想要帮助其他人的愿景?你是否对化学和人体构造有兴趣?你是否在未来想要在药品方面的领域工作?如果都是的话,你来到了对的地方。 但是!!!你是不是无法辨别药剂学和药物科学之间的差别呢?!那么快把以下的内容全部都收藏起来吧!他们会很大程度上帮助你在未来选择对的专业哟! 什么是药剂学? 药剂学是一个学习怎么使用药品的专业。他们会学习如何使用,保存,延长使用时间,和配药。药剂学是一个融合了医学和化…
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Biomedical Science Vs. Biotechnology: What’s the Difference?

What is Biomedical Science? Biomedical Science is the study of organs, cells, systems function of the human body to understand it and the effects of diseases and drugs have on the human body. It is the science behind your healthcare which is mostly research and lab-based with the aim of improving and advancing…
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The 10 Best High-Paying Jobs in The Future

The future potential job demand and salary is one of the criteria that students look for when choosing the course to study. With the rapidly changing technology landscape, the job market is so different from how it was many years ago. When it comes to choosing a career, you should consider the occupations…
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