study locally

Studying Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in Malaysia

You may occasionally see athletes or celebrities with purple circles on their skin as a result of cupping. Perhaps you have a friend who swears by acupuncture for back pain or herbal teas for colds. People are increasingly turning to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) practices like these to not only treat but also…
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作为一名会计师, 你将负责个人或公司的财务账目。你需要确保它们是正确的数目并且符合现行的规章制度。此外,你也需要用标准的会计方法来组织和监督财务数据并确保个人或公司有缴纳税款。在马来西亚担任会计师是一件非常令人满意的工作,这是因为会计师是一份有保障、薪水丰厚且晋升前景广阔的工作。 什么是会计? 会计是指个人或组织 (例如小公司) 监督其财务交易的过程。你仅可处于个人报税目的聘请会计师。此任务会由注…
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STPM vs Matrikulasi: What’s the Difference?

STPM and Matrikulasi are the two most popular public Pre-University courses in Malaysia, which means they all share similar characteristics. However, many students have difficulty deciding between STPM and Matrikulasi because the two are very different in many ways. So, in this article, I will explain what is the difference between STPM and…
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Study Locally or Abroad: Which choice is the best for you?

Students who are trying to decide where they want to further their education are having a difficult time deciding whether to study in their own country or elsewhere. This is due to the fact that there are a lot of pros and cons linked with any of these options. Studying in your native…
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MUET vs IELTS vs TOEFL: Which English Test To Take?

Are you looking to master the English language? Are you interested in polishing your skills in grammar and vocabulary? Or maybe, you are looking to study abroad and you need to take an English test in order to become an eligible candidate. If so, then perhaps it may be time for you to…
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What Can You Do with a Foundation in Arts?

If you’re not looking for a science stream degree course, and are more interested in a pre-university programme than a diploma, why not consider a Foundation in Arts? Of course, there are several other university programmes, such as A-Levels, AUSMAT, SACE. So, why should you choose a Foundation of Arts over the rest? …
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Do University Rankings Matter for Postgraduate Study?

The information that one can find on the university rankings best for undergraduate courses can be vast. There is a wide variation of academic rankings available when looking at degree majors, but are there any present ones for postgraduate studies? Regrettably, there aren’t any internationally recognised rankings for postgraduate programmes. However, this does…
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如何在马来西亚申请 PTPTN 贷款?

在教育方面投资对自我发展至关重要,但如果您在经济上难以支付您的学费,您可以有一些选择。首先,您可以考虑申请奖学金,而如果您是马来西亚公民,您还有另一个选项,申请 PTPTN 贷款。  什么是 PTPTN ? Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional (PTPTN),是一家为马来西亚大学生提供学习贷款的政府机构。 PTPTN 将提供全额学费贷款,或者只…
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