

如果你并不想修读理科学位课程 (Science stream degree course),并且比起文凭课程 (Diploma course),你反而对大学先修课程(Pre-University program)更感兴趣,那么你应该考虑修读文科基础课程 (Foundation in Arts)!当然,在马来西亚也有很多其他的大学课程,比如说A-Levels,AUSMAT, SACE,等等。那么,为…
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Study Economics Degree and Courses in Malaysia

With the current pandemic ongoing, the “word” economy or economic would have been repeated multiple times either on the national news airing on the tv or the local newspaper. If you’re someone who has been following news about financial reports and the current economic trends; and has been curious about what affects a…
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8 Business Majors: Which one is the best for you?

When it comes to business, there is much more than just product, money, and customer. The word business itself comes with a long list of majors that serve different purposes and have different goals each. Today we will look into 8 business majors that have always been at the top of the list…
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Top 5 Universities to Study Banking & Finance in Malaysia (2020)

What is Banking & Finance? If you’re interested in the mix of business, economy, and math, taking a degree in banking and finance might be the perfect fit for you! Banking and Finance are two things that relate closely to each other.  Banking and finance is a large field with many growth opportunities….
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