Rebecca Visvanathan

Top Courses to Study in Australia Based on Job Demand in 2021

Although the pandemic has created unexpected high unemployment rates globally, there was a strong surge in the employment rate right after multiple lockdowns were eased in Australia. Even though most companies have frozen their hiring process, there are still sectors that are actively hiring due to the need for more human resources. Some…
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Study Foundation Courses in Australia

Have you always dreamt about studying in Australia and you can’t wait to get on that plane to start your new adventure? It’s no surprise as Australia has always been the preferred study destination by Malaysian students right after the UK and Ireland.  Home to Vegemite, koala bears and kangaroos, Australia holds the…
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Study Zoology in Australia

Have you been fascinated by animals and the tiniest insects or were you a fan of Steven Irwin, the man that literally lived for animals and died because of one. At first, nature might seem like a big ball of rope that is intertwined and knotted, but when you take a closer look…
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Study Journalism Degree in Australia

Do you have the passion for venturing into the mysterious world and rising to the occasion when the truth is discovered? Do you dream of always being the person who updated the entire nation on breaking news and not getting tired of pursuing true stories? If yes, we believe that you have the…
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Study Economics Degree and Courses in Malaysia

With the current pandemic ongoing, the “word” economy or economic would have been repeated multiple times either on the national news airing on the tv or the local newspaper. If you’re someone who has been following news about financial reports and the current economic trends; and has been curious about what affects a…
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Study A-Levels vs AUSMAT in Malaysia.

Choosing a pre-university program is as important as choosing the degree program a student wants to pursue  as both play a symbiotic role. It determines the students’ study paths and the opportunity for them to enrol into the top universities both abroad and locally.  However, students are often confused with the wide selection…
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A-Levels Program and Scholarships in Malaysia

It’s no joke when it comes to pre-university programs, there are plenty of choices out there and most of the time students end up confused on which one to choose. It doesn’t happen often but sometimes students tend to take the wrong path and end up not meeting the entry requirement for their…
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Everything you Need to Know to Become a Graphic Designer in Malaysia

Have you had the knack of just scribbling and doodling while studying or even when you’re listening to a lecture? Many of us push those silly doodling aside and pursue something much more serious for our tertiary education. But do you know, according to Malaysia’s critical occupational list 2020, graphic designers were among…
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Best Colleges/ Universities to Study Early Childhood Education Courses in Malaysia

The first several years of a baby is an extremely crucial time in their lives as it’s when they first learn how to interact with others, including peers, teachers, and parents, it’s also the time where their interest will start to develop and stay with them throughout their lives.  It’s a common misperception…
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Which One to Study? Psychology vs Psychiatry vs Counselling

Psychologist, psychiatrist, and counsellor they all sound the same but are they different? Often, many people confuse themselves with these similar terms, assuming they are the same thing. However, they are various professions that strive for the same outcome, which is advocating for mental health and improving people’s lives.  While all professions might…
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