Electrical Engineering

Industries in Demand: What to Study for the World’s Best Employers 2023

Are you someone who has just finished high school and is wondering what profession to pursue? If you’re feeling a bit stuck or lost on your career or academic pursuits, don’t worry! Trust me, we’ve all been there. One way to get inspired on your academic pursuits is to set a goal on…
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Top Universities to Study Engineering in Canada 2022

If you’re someone who loves to figure out how things work by using practicality and scientific discoveries, a career in Engineering might just be what you’re looking for. What is Engineering? Engineering uses the application of both science and maths to solve real life programs. Engineering is a key element in building the…
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Top Courses to Study in Australia Based on Job Demand in 2021

Although the pandemic has created unexpected high unemployment rates globally, there was a strong surge in the employment rate right after multiple lockdowns were eased in Australia. Even though most companies have frozen their hiring process, there are still sectors that are actively hiring due to the need for more human resources. Some…
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Women in STEM

STEM is a curriculum that educates students in four academic disciplines- Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. The disciplines covered in STEM play a key role in the sustainable growth and stability of economies, and STEM innovators are essential to take on the digital future.  Areas related to STEM have statistically and historically been…
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Electrical & Electronic Engineering (EEE) Degree in Australia

Looking for a specialisation of Engineering which incorporates how electrical devices work or how electrical energy is produced and used? Perhaps Electrical and Electronic Engineering is for you! Let’s discover the ins and outs of Electrical & Electronic Engineering (EEE) Degree in Australia. Enquire Here What is Electrical and Electronic Engineering? Electrical and…
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Top Universities to study Engineering in the UK

Engineers have always been the pioneers in finding solutions to the challenges of the world we live in. Innovative infrastructures, useful technologies, and efficient mechanisms definitely involved Engineering. That’s why Engineering is relevant. If you’re looking to pursue Engineering as an academic pursuit, especially in the UK, let’s unravel aspects of studying Engineering…
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Top Universities to study Engineering in Australia 2020

Engineers are considered inventors, scientists, builders and great thinkers who make people’s lives safer and easier. Engineering can be a challenging field of study, however, it is similarly rewarding in terms of career options and financial returns. Engineering is a field where you combine science, technology, math and other areas of study to solve…
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Top 5 Universities to Study Electronic & Electrical Engineering in Malaysia 2020

What is Electronic & Electrical Engineering? Electrical engineering is related to manage power generation, storage and transmission. Electronics engineering is about electronic appliances, devices and applications. These two types of engineering are similar and their field of expertise often overlapped with each other. Electronics engineers often deal with small electronic parts, circuit boards,…
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6 Different Types of Engineering Jobs

When its comes to choosing engineering courses, it’s hard to pinpoint which courses you are good at. Most graduates often struggle in choosing engineering courses provided by variety of universities. Although engineering jobs are more than just 6 types but in this article, we will be providing an overview on the six types…
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